ISTQB Exam Preparation Options: Training and Accreditation

At ISTQB, we understand that flexibility is key when it comes to exam preparation. Therefore, completion of training is not a mandatory requirement for participating in the ISTQB exam. Whether you prefer self-study or attending non-accredited training sessions, we provide options that suit your learning style.

For those seeking a more structured approach, accredited training is available. The LSTQB ensures that Accredited Training Providers follow best practices, guaranteeing that their materials meet the required standards.

Key Features of Accredited Training:

  • Current Syllabi: Our accredited training aligns with the current syllabi for each certification level. This ensures that you receive the most up-to-date and relevant information for your exam preparation.
  • Experienced Trainers: Our trainers possess significant experience and skills in both software testing and training. You can trust that you are learning from experts who understand the intricacies of the industry.
  • Individual Certification Accreditation: Accreditation is conducted individually for each certification level. This meticulous process ensures that our training programs meet the specific requirements and standards set by ISTQB.

Choose the preparation method that suits you best, and rest assured that ISTQB’s commitment to quality and excellence is reflected in our training options. Prepare with confidence, knowing that you have access to materials and guidance that align with the highest industry standards.